In this episode of TransformHER, titled “Charting the C-Suite Course: Governance, Partnerships, and Strategic Leadership” we delve into the world of corporate strategy and leadership with Ijeoma Taylaur.
With her extensive experience in corporate governance and a pivotal role in driving public/private sector partnerships, particularly as the co-chair of the planning committee of the NESG summit, their flagship annual event and Executive Director of Alpha African Advisory, Ijeoma is perfectly poised to guide aspiring women on their path to the C-suite.
This episode provides a blueprint for success in the corporate world, drawing from Ijeoma’s battle scars, expertise, and strategic applications in governance and partnerships.
It is an invaluable session for any woman aiming to break the glass ceiling and take a seat at the leadership table.
The episode emphasizes the need for skill, strategy, and foresight, qualities that we believe Ijeoma Taylaur embodies and can share insights on.
Guest speaker: Mrs. Ijeoma Taylaur Coaching Segment: Resilience and Flexibility Take Outs:
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